
A tramp is used for women. A tramp is like a slut but not the same. A Slut flirts with every man that she sees, A tramp flirts with other woman's men. Meaning she targets men who are already in a relationship, especially married ones. Also, Usually, Sluts are easily identified on first look by their dressing sense and demeanor, and speaking style, tramps are more subtle and can appear ladylike. They don't flaunt their sexuality openly.
They are discrete and strike on seeing married men.
Skank - Slut or promiscuous woman
Dressing Sexy meaning you are wearing shorter clothes but just teasing the viewer, who will want to see more. 
Dressing Skanky - All bets are off. You go all in. You wear skimpy clothes or see-through. Here, There is not any teasing cause there is nothing to tease, almost everything is being flashed. 
